Terms & Conditions
Payments – All camp fees must be paid in full or preset payment plan before June 3, 2024.
Dismissal of camper - Camp Gan Israel may dismiss a camper should it determine that the conduct of the camper is not in the best interests of the camp.
Damage - As parents or guardians, we agree that we will be responsible for any loss, damage or destruction by our camper to any property of Camp Gan Israel or to any property for which the Camp is liable or chargeable.
Permission to participate - As parents or guardians, we understand that all possible precautions are taken to insure that the programs and activities at Camp Gan Israel are conducted by qualified personnel in a safe and responsible manner. However, we further understand that, because of the nature of some activities within the camp program and regardless of the high degree of supervision, there is a possibility of accidental injury. We recognize these risks and release and agree to allow our children to participate in the program. We agree to assume these risks and release and hold Camp Gan Israel, their officers and directors harmless from and waive any claim against Camp Gan Israel as to any injury that may occur to our children while attending Camp Gan Israel.
Medical Care - If parents cannot be reached in an emergency, we hereby give Camp Gan Israel permission to seek emergency treatment, hospitalization or necessary injections for our children.